Biophysical Motivation
Quick Start Jupyter Notebook
Tutorial: SpringSaLaD simulation
Tutorial: SpringSaLaD results analysis
Quick Start command line
The best way to install Python is to download Anaconda distribution available for all operation systems. It has Jupyter notebook pre-installed that has a convenient way to run molclustpy. Anaconda install also should install pip. To check your installation, type in the terminal (command prompt on Windows):
python -i
pip -V
jupyter --version
In case Jupyter is missing and you prefer to use it (recommended for beginners), download it from https://jupyter.org/install.
Apart from the standard Python libraries, required third-party packages:
pip install SpringSaLaDpy
Installation of SpringSaLaDpy will check for the third-party libraries and install them in case your machine does not have them.
To get the sample files and demo Jupyter notebooks, please download or clone the https://github.com/SpringSaLaDpy/SpringSaLaDpy_demo.git
git clone https://github.com/SpringSaLaDpy/SpringSaLaDpy_demo.git
The source code may be cloned from the https://github.com/SpringSaLaDpy/SpringSaLaDpy_package
After download/install, follow the Start Guide