Biophysical Motivation
Quick Start Jupyter Notebook
Tutorial: SpringSaLaD simulation
Tutorial: SpringSaLaD results analysis
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SpringSaLaD is designed and implemented in the lab of Leslie Loew by Paul Michalski, with further enhancements by Joe Massison.
SpringSaLaDpy was designed and implemented in the lab of Michael Blinov by Harrison Perone.
The original Python code to process SpringSaLaD output files and compute cluster composition and average cluster occupancy were written by [Aniruddha Chattaraj[(https://github.com/achattaraj) and used in several publivations (Chattaraj et al., 2024; Chattaraj & Loew, 2023; Chattaraj, Blinov & Loew, 2021; Chattaraj, Youngstrom & Loew, 2019).
Some features of this code were used in MolClustPy software that analyzed clusters simulated by NFsim.
CONTACT: Michael Blinov